Monday, February 27, 2012

First Post

So...I'm finally doing it. After months (years?) of reading other folks blogs, I've gathered up all my courage, and I'm starting my own. I'll start with a few things about me.

I'll be 57 years old on April 1 of this year.

My cowboy husband and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary on April 28. Yes, I was still in high school when we got married. No, I wasn't pregnant, just in a hurry to grow up. Yes, I did finish high school.

We have 2 children who we love, and (miracle!) they still like us! And 2 grandgirls who are the sunshine of our lives!

Cowboy has 3 horses, and a passel of chickens. I have a chihuahua, Charlie. Or he has me!

When I can drag Cowboy away from his horses, we love to travel in our 5th wheel trailer. Charlie travels with us. He's my protector.

We have considered living full time in the 5th wheel. It may happen yet. But it sure is hard to leave those grandgirls! (and horses)

When we are at home, we attend the little Baptist Church down the road, where Cowboy is a deacon and I'm the librarian.

I gotta say right now, without Jesus Christ, we would literally be nothing. He is the One Who has pulled us through all the tough times.

In 40 years of marriage, there have been a few tough times. I gotta tell ya, the first couple of decades, I was kind of surprised every time another anniversary rolled around - "Wow...we made it another year!" Then for a while it was, "Well, I think we can survive one more year." NOW, it's "Thank God we held on because this is so good!"

Not that there weren't good times those first years, too. We always loved each other. We didn't always like each other.

Too much information? Well, I'm new at this. And I really don't think anyone is going to read it anyhow!

Last thing, for now. I know NOTHING about blogs, about formatting, about HTML (what is that, anyway?), or about adding photos. I'll learn.

One more last thing...I'm from Texas, ya'll!

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