Sunday, April 29, 2012

Kerrville and I-Phone Apps

We've just spent a week at the RV Dreams Rally in Kerrville, TX.  This was our first time at any rally, so we really didn't know what to expect.  We were very pleasantly surprised, I must say.  Howard and Linda put on a great show!  Informative, entertaining and just plain fun. They kept us busy all week, from Tuesday afternoon to Sunday morning.  Our brains are about fried with all the knowledge they tried to stuff into us! Thankfully, we have many, many handouts to refer back to.

On another subject, I'm so glad I let my brilliant daughter talk me into getting an I-phone (finally).  I've found a lot of neat apps.  Some of my favorites are:

Trip Color - an online travel journal that is just so, so easy to use;

Postcards on the Run - this thing lets you choose a postcard design, add a photo if you wish, add whatever you want to say, and the address you want it mailed to.  Then for 99 cents to $1.69, they print the whole thing out and mail it for you, anywhere in the U.S.  Amazing.  I mean, you can hardly buy a postcard for 99 cents anymore.

Cards - Similar to Postcards, but this one sends any type of greeting card you want, in an envelope.  Design your own personalized birthday, Christmas, thank-you cards, whatever...then just address the envelope.  The app is free (as are all the others).  Each card, mailed to any address in the U.S., is $2.99.  I think the last time I went to look for birthday cards, I had a hard time finding one under $5.00.

Disclaimer - I haven't actually used the card apps yet.  Well, I used them, but I haven't seen the finished product.  I'm sending cards to my grandgirls, partly so that I can see and judge the quality for myself.

The photo above is just one of many wildflower pics I took on the drive down here.  I have never seen so many wildflowers in my life!  Fields and fields of color.  And so many butterflies and bees just everywhere.  Paradise!


  1. Hi Kay,
    My husband, Tom, and I sat at the table with you during the Rally dinner. It was your anniversary that night. I, too am working on my blog. There is a great deal to learn. I have to work on picture taking. I have added your blog to my list. I will enjoy reading it. I think I will just write whatever and whenever I want and not feel I have to do it a certain way.
    If it is not fun, why do it? Right?
    Be safe as you travel.
    Debbie Manning

  2. Thanks, Debbie! My first should win a prize or something! I remember you. Didn't we have fun? Looking forward to finding and reading your blog.
