Sunday, May 13, 2012

Canyon Lake

Charlie - Staking out his territory on MY pillow!

Why is it always so hard to leave our hometown?  We've had this little trip planned for weeks, but the past week of preparation was a circus!  Cowboy got an unexpected driving job for one day.  Yay for the extra income, but boo for the lost day.  I had unexpected and unplanned for doctor's visits.  (Nothing serious, just annoying), I never did get caught up on church library work, and Friday night was our first Vacation Bible School Meeting.  Every year I say I'm not going to take on a major job in VBS, but every year I am begged, wheedled and flattered into more that I intended!

Life is just too good, and I can't seem to turn down any opportunity to spend time with family and friends when I really should be cleaning the sticks and bricks, and packing the home on wheels.

So this week I also -
- starting a morning walking routine with my son and daughter
- spent time with my grandgirls (never an inconvenience, always a joy!)
- spent a day shopping with my best friend
- went to brunch with the "church ladies"
- had an unexpected visit from my brother and sister-in-law, who I don't see near often enough

But, in spite of all that, we finally left Small Town, Texas around 11:30 yesterday morning and arrived at SMALLLER Town, Texas around 5:00.  We are staying at Canyon Lake until Friday, then we will move to San Marcos, where we will meet our daughter and her family.  The grandgirls are playing in a statewide piano competition there on Saturday, and we wanted to be there to cheer them on.  Even though the actual competition is only in front of the judges.  Even parents can't watch.  Makes the kids too nervous, I guess.

Well, off to the usual first day trip to Wal-Mart now.  As soon as I get Charlie off the bed!

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