Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch....

We have baby chickens!  Sorry the picture is a little fuzzy.  Our daughter took it with her phone, then texted it to me.  I love modern technology.
The mama is a Silkie. That's something I'd never heard of until Daughter brought her home.  Hope the horses don't step on them.  See the hooves on the other side of the barn door? 
I am so thankful for our children, who are taking care of the horses, the chickens, the house and everything while we are gone.  We definitely would not have the freedom to travel without them there.  We are so blessed.
BIG NEWS FLASH! - Today, the 16th of October, marks 3 months on the road for us.  That's one fourth of a year!  It has been an amazing experience so far.  We have seen amazing things, met interesting people, and actually enjoyed just being together.  'Course, it helped seeing the kids, grandkids, and loaner kids during the past few weeks.  And sometime this week I hope to see and old school friend who lives in this area.  So fun! 
We are planning to go home around the first of December.  Now that we are headed that direction, and just one state away, it would be great if some of our friends and family would come visit us on the road (hint, hint!!)  I love the traveling, but I do miss the home folks.
I promised pictures of Disney World, but honestly, I don't have that many.  I didn't want to be weighed down with a camera while we were there, so all I took into the parks was my phone.  But here's a few.

One of my favorite things about Disney World is all the plants and flowers.  This Mickey was just outside the Magic Kingdom.

Each park has at least one musical stage show.  We saw Beauty and the Beast at Disney's Hollywood Studios.  The grown ups in our group were just as enchanted as the grandgirls.

And of course, no trip to Disney is complete without seeing It's a Small World.  It's cute.  The girls love it.  And someday, I will get that silly song out of my head!

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