Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sore Toes (Not That I'm Complaining)

Disney was tons of fun, and as soon as I sort through the pictures, I'll tell you a little more about it.  In the meantime, here's one of my "Goofy" Cowboy.  Makes me laugh!

Alas, all good things must come to an end.  Seems like we were just getting started, and suddenly it was time to say good-bye.  The kids flew home on Thursday evening, and we loaded up and pulled out early (for us!) Friday morning. 

We made it all the way to Ocala North RV park (about 75 miles) before we gave up and collapsed.  We didn't even un-hitch the pickup from the trailer.  Yep.  All that fun, fun, fun done wore us down, down, down.  Anyhow, it rained cats and dogs the rest of the day, and who wants to pull a big old trailer in the rain?!

Saturday morning we drove to Mexico Beach, on the Gulf of Mexico and spent the night at Golden Isles RV Park.  It wasn't right on the beach, but the price was right, and the manager was friendly.  After a scrumptious dinner (fried shrimp - yum!) at Killer Seafood, we went back to the RV park and ... did laundry.  Loads and loads of laundry.  Aren't you glad I shared that tidbit of information with you?  The excitement just never ends!

Next day was Sunday, and we were so glad to attend service at First Baptist in Port St. Joe.  The main text was from Psalm One, but here's what stuck with me:  The preacher reminded us that God struck down more Hebrews in the Old Testament for grumbling and complaining than for any other sin.  He actually said that whining is a sin.  Ouch.  I never really thought of it that way before.  I mean, OUCH!!!  And then he challenged the congregation to try to go just one day without complaining.  Two days later, I'm telling you, it's a pretty humbling exercise.  Just try it yourself.  Or maybe you're not a complainer.  Am I the only one?  Yeah, I didn't think so. 

He went on to point out that our main job here on Earth (as in Heaven) is to praise God, and, well, to make Him look good.  And, how does it look when God's people go around all mopey and grumbly all the time?  Oh my poor, poor toes.  Not that I'm complaining. 

I always think of myself as a grateful person.  Not difficult, because I have so much to be thankful for.  But, evidently, that doesn't keep me from complaining about all sorts of things.  Just keeping it real.  You knew I wasn't perfect anyway. 

It was a great sermon. 

And, after a quick lunch, we had one more thing to truly praise God for - we got to visit with our "loaner" kids!!!  I haven't talked much about my loaner family, have I?  The Doc & his Mrs. moved down the street from us a few years ago, and started attending our church.  Their "birth" parents live up north, so they quickly adopted us as their "stand-in" family.  They now have an adorable 2 year old baby, our loaner grand-boy.  I can't tell you how much I love and adore this precious family.  About the same age as our kids, they just fit in with us like they belong.  And they do. 

So, anyway, they are staying at Port St. Joe this week with her folks, and we got to go to their beach house and visit with the whole bunch of them.  They are wonderful people, and have been so gracious about "sharing" their kids with us.  They come to Texas often, and we always enjoy visiting with them.  We keep hoping they will just pack up and move down here (hint, hint).

We finally left them to catch up with each other, (but not until I got a good dose of that "grand-boy"), and loaded the trailer up so we could pull out the next morning.  We are now a little further down the road in Robertsdale, Alabama.  At Styx River RV Park.  A few miles east of Mobile. 

Can't wait to see what adventures await us here.  I'm pretty sure I see a trip to Wal-Mart in my near future!!! 

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