Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Even in the Small Things.

R.A. Torrey once said "The chief purpose of prayer is that God may be glorified in the answer."

I don't know if that's the chief purpose or not.  There's lots of reasons to pray.  But I believe in giving glory to God every day, no matter what.  And when a prayer is answered, no matter how seemingly insignificant a request, I can't help but praise Him!

 This is my I-phone.  Shattered.  I dropped it about 3 feet.  Onto a concrete floor.  It was dead.

It's insured, so we immediately took it to the AT&T store.  They said we could pay $200 deductible, and they would mail me a new phone.  In a few days.  To my home address.  This is a problem.  I'm not going to be home.  For a while.  And...$200....really?

Y'all.  I need my phone.  It has my contacts.  My friends live in my phone.  It has my lists.  Lists of everything.  My calendar.  My books on the Kindle app, and more books on the Audible app. My photos that I hadn't transferred to the computer yet. My Bible.  Several versions of the Bible, actually.  Even my prayer list is on my phone. 

So we went back to the fifth wheel, to try to decide what to do.  And I prayed.

Next morning, I still didn't know what to do.  We hooked up the fiver to head north.  I didn't really have a chance to think about it until we were actually in the pickup heading down the road.  I'm not claiming to have tons of faith.  But I had prayed.  I felt a little silly trying to turn it on again.  I'd tried several times the day before.  Two guys at the AT&T store pronounced it dead. 

So anyway, I pushed the button.  Guess you know by now...it WORKED!  And I've been seriously praising the Lord ever since. 

Just had to share. He deserves the glory!

PS - just a thought - What if I hadn't had enough faith to try it one more time?  How many prayers does He answer, and we just give up without even checking it out?

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