Saturday, June 8, 2013

Showers of Blessings


It stormed here a few nights ago.  Almighty God put on quite a show, with ear-splitting thunder, day bright lightning, and a fair amount of wind.  It was very impressive, and the rain was much needed in our area.  And, thankfully, I haven't heard of any major damage.

So. Why? Lord, You know I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but why do we get the rain, and Moore, Ok has to deal with devastating tornadoes?

And while I'm being so bold with You, why do I have a hard-working, good, God loving husband who has stuck by me for over 40 years, while some of my dearest friends ended up with no-account bums who were useless in times of trouble?

Why are my children such a blessing to me, while other parents have to deal with all kinds of problems, or even worse, children with cancer or some other disease most people have never even heard of?

Why do I live in a comfortable home (with air conditioning, Thank You Lord!), while some people live and work in extreme heat and/or cold?

Why do I get to travel and see so much of Your creation, while others my age are still working just to make ends meet, with no chance of retirement in sight?

One thing I know.  It's not because I've been a better person, or a better Christian than anyone else.  With Paul, I can say I'm certainly the "chief among sinners."

And, I know, we have certainly had our fair share of problems and tough spots.  Death of loved ones, illness, money problems, marriage problems, worries over our kids….

But You were always there.  You blessed us with friends and family who lifted us up in prayer, and You heard our prayers.  And You delivered us out of every dark place.  Every time. Not always in the way we wanted, nor as quickly as we wanted.  But, eventually, You healed every wound.

Help me to remember, Lord.  Remind me daily that I never have to be afraid, because, no matter what happens, You will be there to rescue me, just as You have in the past.

And help me to remember pray for the ones who are hurting right now, as others have prayed for me when I was hurting.

As the Cowboy and I start on another wonderful adventure, I pray that You will continue to protect us, and to watch over the ones we leave at home.

And…Lord? Thanks for being patient with my bold questions.  Thank You for the many blessings You have poured into my life.  Thank You for loving me. 

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