Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Natchez Trace

We are so excited to be back on the Natchez Trace Parkway. No billboards, no McDonald's, no Wal-Mart - just 444 miles of American history and God's glorious creation!

We spent the last two nights at Columbia, Missouri, taking care of boring stuff like getting the oil changed, doing laundry, and buying groceries. 

But we're happy to be back on the trace today. Here's a few things we've seen so far.
This is a part of the old trace, used by deer, native Americans, pioneers, lumbermen returning home to Tennessee after selling the timber they'd floated down the river to Natchez, and Jackson's army during the War of 1812.
You can't see it, but there is a deer at the far end of the trail here.

Pretty moss covered rocks on the trail to Jackson Falls.

A little cave on the trail to Jackson Falls.

Jackson Falls.

This is the Gordon House, built in the early 1800's. This family ran a trading post and a ferry.

Scenic view from Baker Bluff Overlook.

War of 1812 Memorial. It commemerates the many soldiers who never made it home from the war, and were buried in unmarked graves along the trace.

Turkeys. I've never seen so many turkeys! Dozens of 'em! We've also seen lots of deer, including a doe with two adorable fawns. Back in Franklin, we even saw a mama duck leading her children across the road.

This is the Double Arch Bridge over Birdsong Hollow.  Isn't Birdsong Hollow a pretty name?

The view from on top of the bridge.

We are staying at Tishomingo State Park in Mississippi for a couple of days.  The woods here are so beautiful.  I keep expecting to see woodland fairies, or at least leprechauns, playing among the ferns and flowers in the woods! 

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