Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014. At home. Alone.

Listening - to Sword of the Lord.

Seeing/Seen/Been/Done - Met the church ladies for brunch this morning.  Then I went to Target for a gift card for Rebecca's baby shower on Sunday, and ended up buying a set of sheets for our bed.  Cowboy left to go play golf right after I got home. I've been on the computer ever since.

Feeling - Glad to see my friend Marilyn this morning.  Seems like we were just getting to know each other well when she up and moved to North Carolina!  Also glad to see my friend Lena, but kind of sad that she's returning to Papua New Guinea next week.  But thankful for her willingness to serve the Lord on the mission field.

Wishing/Wanting - I don't waste much energy wishing for things I can't afford, but sometimes I do wish we had a gardener/outside maintenance person, so I could have a beautiful yard and garden, without actually having to do any work.  Except when I just felt like it.

Needing - to research games for the baby shower.

Eating/Drinking - Yum.  I had pancakes and bacon for brunch.  And I didn't eat it all, so that's what I'll have for supper, too!

Wearing - Jeans and a sweater.

Weather - 47 degrees, cloudy, and humid

Thinking - About trying to make my own flour tortillas with the new recipe I just found.

Enjoying - Modern technology. 

Praying - Oh.  That reminds me.  I didn't finish my morning prayers.  Better do that now.

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