Thursday, September 4, 2014

Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall...


  "...Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary."
                                          -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

And into each road trip, some problems must arise, it seems.  But as the poet says, behind the clouds the sun is still shining!  Not that we've had actual rain.  Our problems have been the electrical kind.  Seems our surge protector has gone kaput.  So, in order to avoid being roasted in a trailer inferno, we are heading home to see about getting it all fixed before we head out again.  Have to be in Branson on the 19th!  Luckily, even if the 5th wheel is still undergoing repairs, we have a free week in a cottage at Compton Ridge RV Resort coming to us, so we've already reserved that, just in case.

Other than our electrical problems, and lousy internet connections, and no cell phone service within a 10 mile radius of our camp, and, oh, yeah, there was one rain and wind storm, but it didn't last long - other than all that, it's been a wonderful couple of weeks.

The grandgirls were so much fun!  We got to show them some places we love, and it was such a fresh new experience for us to see it all through their eyes.  

Then after a few days rest, our friends Bill & Donna came to visit.  They were here three nights, and we had a blast.  The guys played LOTS of golf, and Donna and I talked until we were practically hoarse!  And we ate...oh, my, how we ate!  Catfish, and Mexican food and steak & potatoes, and pancakes & bacon, and the best hot dogs ever!

Some of the most fun we had though, was touring the local cemeteries.  Is that weird?  Some of the graves went back to the 1700's.  It was sad to see so many babies and little children buried, and looked like whole families were buried in the same year, sometimes.  Epidemics?  Wonder how many died and were buried here on their way to Texas? 

But some of the tombstones were beautiful, and they had some of the sweetest sayings and verses etched on them.  Just a little glimpse back into history.  

Blessed are they whom Thou hast chosen and taken.  For Thy mercies are better than life.

We were sad to see them go, but so glad we got to spend so much time with them away from the usual distractions.  Even the lack of cell phone service has its bright side - we could really focus on the people we were with.

After Bill and Donna headed home, we spent the rest of the day trying to decide what to do about the fifth wheel.  Yesterday we drove into Texarkana and got a few things to rig up a temporary fix.  But today we decided the "band-aid" that Cowboy put together just wasn't going to work for 6 more weeks on the road.  So it's back to the sticks and stone house for us, and the repair shop for the 5th wheel.  

Hate to  leave this beautiful, peaceful place, but it's always good to be home.  Here's a few random pics of the RV Park.

When I was reading my Bible today, this verse from Joshua jumped out at me...."Have I not commanded thee?  Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed:  for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

Isn't that a wonderful promise?  God is with us when we are on the road, and He is with us when we are at home.  What more could we ask?

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