Monday, April 20, 2015

Last Day

"The Heavens are the Lord's Heavens,
but the earth He has given to the children of man."
Psalm 115:16

We are heading home today.  It's been great to travel Texas in the Spring, when all the wildflowers are blooming.   It's also when all the violent storms are hitting the area, but we've survived, so it's all good.

We've been at Inks Lake State Park the last couple of days.  Tim took me to Bluebonnet Cafe in Marble Falls for lunch today.  And, oh my goodness, it's all true what they say about the pie there.  We shared a piece of peanut butter pie, and it was yummy!  Our first choice was lemon meringue, but that one wasn't done yet.  After my first bite of the peanut butter pie, I was sort of glad.

The lunch special was great too.  We had smoked chicken, which comes with 3 veggies, rolls and cornbread.  Oh, and the cornbread had corn in it!  It was all so good.

I don't feel too bad about eating all that, though.  We certainly worked it off this afternoon.  We started out to take a short stroll through the park.  We ended up on the Devils Watering Hole hiking trail.  And I figured out why they call it the Devil's Watering Hole.  'Cause it's the devil getting to it!

You're lured onto the trail by a nice wide and level gravel path.  Then you get to this...

I don't know if you can tell from this photo, but this is a very very tall granite hill that we had to climb up.  Then, the trail leveled off just a bit, then it started climbing again.  We just kept going uphill forever! 

Here's some of the things we saw, that made it all worthwhile.

There were huge granite boulders like this all over the place.

I loved this little fern growing next to the pink granite.  Actually, all the granite here is pink, but for some reason it looks sort of brown or orange in most of my pictures.

I love reflections in the water!

We got back to the trailer just before sunset, and this was the view from our picnic table.  
I just want to live here forever!

And I would live here forever, if all my friends and family would come live here, too.

 Whatcha think, Harmony?  Ready to move the whole church to Inks Lake?

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