Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday in Ashdown

I have mixed emotions about Sundays on the road.  On the one hand, I miss everyone back home.  I know and love the people there, and I know that they know and love me.  I know how everything works.  I know the songs we usually sing.  I know when to stand up and when to sit down.  I know our pastor, and I know I can trust him to preach the Word, straight from the Bible.  It's just..., well, it's just comfortable.

Going to a new church can be a little scary.  Especially for an introverted, socially awkward person like me.  But it's also exciting.  Will the people walk right past us like we're invisible, or will they rush to greet us and make us feel welcome?  Will the preacher rant and rave about his own not-so-scriptural ideas?  Or will we be blessed with a fresh insight into God's Word?  More often than not, visiting a new church is a wonderful experience, but believe me, we have run across some crazy stuff!

Since Millwood Landing is one of the RV Resorts where we can stay at no charge (because of our membership in Ocean Canyon), we come here often enough to have a church we call "our church" when we are here.

We attended Sunday School and the morning service today, and felt like we fit right in.  
Pastor Butch Riddle grew up in Texas.  He remembered us from our previous visits, 
and made us feel so welcome.  More importantly, 
he preached a very solid, thought-provoking sermon.  

After church, we had lunch at a restaurant we'd been to before.  (There's only 8 or 10 restaurants in Ashdown.  We've tried most of them at least once.)  This is one of our favorites.  The food is pretty good, but my favorite thing about it is the name - 
Jim's Place (but Carol runs it).  
Isn't that great!  There's got to be a great story behind it, don't you think?  
Next time we're there, I'm going to ask about it!

The rest of the day was spent napping and watching tv and...well, that's about it!  I have no idea what we will do tomorrow.  The main reason Tim likes to come here is because of the golf course on the property, but most of it is literally under water right now.  I like the swimming pool here, and there's water aerobics scheduled for next week.  There's also some craft classes in the activity center.  

One thing I won't be doing is taking Charlie for long walks along the lake.  They tell us several alligators have been spotted here, since all the rain has them on the move.  So I'll be sticking pretty close to the RV all week!  The Cowboy, however, would never let a little thing like an alligator keep him from going fishing!  Although, thankfully, he doesn't plan to put the inflatable boat in the water!

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