Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cowboys and Gators and Bears! OH MY!

Queen Wilhelmina State Park

The Cowboy promises me he won't be trying to catch any bears while we're here. 
I just hope no bears try to catch him!  (Or me)

We're here at Queen Wilhelmina State Park for the Wagner Family Reunion - Cowboy Tim's mother's family.  She grew up here in Mena, one of 18 children.  Eighteen children.  18.  Ten plus eight!  No matter how I write it, or how many times I say it or hear it, my mind has a hard time wrapping itself around that number.  They could have had their own tv show.  Except they didn't own a tv.  Didn't need one.  They didn't have electricity.  

But what fun they must have had, growing up in these Ouachita Mountains!  
It is so beautiful here!  We took Charlie for a little walk last night and I took lots of pictures.  

Cowboy Tim took these pictures (above) for me so I would have to walk through the mud and weeds.
He's pretty handy to have around.  


This is called "The Wonder House."  Built in the 1930's.  It has 9 different levels.  
There's a tour scheduled tomorrow afternoon, I'm hoping to go.

My phone doesn't take very clear pictures of animals.  Can't get close enough.  
I'm really hoping for a good camera for Christmas.  Any suggestions about what kind to get?  
I don't know anything about photography.

This is the lodge at the park, where a lot of our family group will be staying.  It's just been remodeled.  The first lodge was built in 1898 by a railroad company for their passengers.  The company was owned mostly by Dutch investors, so they named it Queen Wilhelmina Lodge to honor the queen of the Netherlands.  The campground is in walking distance from the lodge.  This photo is from the park's website.  Hope they don't mind me using it!

There's a miniature train between the lodge and the campground.  Last time we were here for a reunion, our oldest grandgirl had fun riding the train, and playing miniature golf.

They also played on this old engine.

The reunion doesn't start until Friday afternoon, but one of Cowboy's brothers will be in town today.  And some of his cousins still live here.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

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