Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Pray for America

Yesterday we drove into Austin for the Decision America event which took place on the steps of our state capitol building.  Franklin Graham is traveling to all 50 states this year, holding prayer rallies for our country and talking to people about taking a more active role in the political process.  He is "urging Christians to vote,to live out their faith in every part of their lives, and to pray for our nation just as Nehemiah cried out to God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and restore hope to his people."

If you want to know more, the website is Decision America.

Tim in front of the state capitol building.  The Cowboy managed to get up close enough to actually see Franklin Graham speak.  I didn't want to fight the crowds, so I found a nice shady tree on the capitol lawn to sit under.  I couldn't see anything on the stage, but I could hear just fine.  And I watched the live stream on my phone for a while.  But then I just sat back and enjoyed "people watching."

I think our state capitol is beautiful.  
This was the view from where I sat, quite a way from where all the action was.
It was a beautiful day.

I snagged this photo from the Decision America webpage, here.  
Hope I'm not breaking any copyright laws by posting it here.  
Anyway, as you can see, there was quite a crowd.

It was a once in a lifetime experience, and I'm so glad we got to participate.

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