Friday, March 31, 2017

Whitney-Waco-Glen Rose

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! 
Proverbs 133:1

A couple of the Cowboy's brothers had plans to go camping and fishing at Lake Whitney during Spring Break, so, being the gadabouts that we are, we figured we'd better go too!  Actually, I didn't see hide nor hair of any of them the whole week.  I barely saw my own husband, 'cause they were always on the lake fishing, and I do not fish.  I really don't think they even saw much of each other, but went their separate ways on the lake most of the time.  But the Cowboy had a great time fishing, and I had a great time reading and resting.  The truth is, I slept a lot that week.  Lazy is one thing I'm good at!

Our son came to visit on the way home from visiting with friends in central Texas.  Isn't he handsome?

After we left Whitney, we went on to Waco.  While there we went to Cameron Park Zoo.  I love this zoo.  It's just the right size for me.  Not too little, not too big, with a nice variety of animals in natural looking habitats.

The monkeys are always fun to watch.

When this humongous turtle finished eating, we watched him start walking across to the shady area.  I swear it took him 5 minutes to take 3 steps.  He had stop and rest between each step.  Really.  Between each and every single step.

The meerkats were my favorites.  They were so fun to watch, and so curious about everything. 
 I think this little guy wanted to come home with me!

Also in Waco, we went to the James Avery store.  Our sweet daughter knew I've been wanting a charm bracelet since about forever, so she gave me these two wonderful charms for Christmas.  One is a travel trailer, the other a Texas with the word "HOME" engraved on it.  So then all I needed was the bracelet.  We found just exactly what I wanted at James Avery.  I probably never would have gotten around to actually getting a bracelet if she hadn't given me the charms.  
My plan is to add to the bracelet as we travel. (Please just ignore my ugly hand, ok?)  

So here's my Cowboy, setting up the 5th wheel.  Can you tell he's a wee bit aggravated with me for interrupting him to take a picture?

When we left Waco, we went on to Glen Rose.  Sorry, no photos from there, we got so busy I never even thought about it.  Bad blogger.  We drove into Fort Worth one day to take care of some business and do some shopping.  We drove into Weatherford one day to do some more business and so I could go with a friend to get a pedicure.  Bonus on that day was that we ran into some more friends at El Fenix and got to eat lunch with them!

Tim played so much golf while we were in Glen Rose that, once again, I barely saw him.  He did take me to get pie at the Pie Peddlers on the courthouse square.  Yum!  

But the big excitement of the week was when the huge storm came through.  The emergency alert sounded on our phones around 1:00 a.m.  Tornadoes in the area!  Then the electricity went off all over the RV Park (we found out later that the whole town of Glen Rose was without electricity)  We got out of the 5er and went looking for a sturdier shelter.  Decided on the the Ladies Shower House. We were in great company.  There were about a dozen people already in there!  What a bizarre night!  It was actually kind of fun.  Great way to meet the other campers!  Lol!😊  (BTW, there was no damage to anything in the park.  But the electricity didn't come back on until late afternoon)

So here we are back at home.  I spent the entire afternoon doing laundry, and swapping some winter clothes out for warm weather clothes.  It's always so great to see the kids and grandgirls after a trip.  And I'm looking forward to worshipping in our home church on Sunday, and seeing all our friends.  

It's good to go, but it's great to be home.

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