Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Today is a travel day, so I don't have anything new to report.  But I promised you a funny story.
So, here goes.

I already posted about going to Little City Baptist Church while we were at Texoma Shores last week.

It's a nice little church.  We've been there before, and we feel very comfortable there.  Friendly people.  Good teaching and preaching.  Probably about the same size as our church at home.

But it seems that they have had a small problem lately.  Many of their members just weren't coming to Sunday School.  They came to church, but I guess 10:00 Bible Study was just too early for them.

And this bothered the preacher.  It must have bothered him a lot.  Because he made a crazy desperate promise.  He promised that if they could get 100 members to attend Sunday School on the first Sunday of June, he would dye his hair purple and orange.  And get a mohawk haircut.

There were 117 in Sunday School that day.

So, this happened.

I blurred his face because I didn't ask his permission to use his picture.

I'm thinking this really goes above and beyond.  Perhaps, even, above and beyond good sense!  Lol!  He did reassure us that the dye was temporary.  But, oh my.  I laughed so hard!  I'm glad we were there for this.  It was just a coincidence.  We had no idea that this was in the works.  So funny.  

We've been to many many different churches since we started traveling in our fifth wheel.  Although they've all been Baptist, they have all been different.  Some are large, some small.  Some are friendly and relaxed.  A few are cold.  Some preachers use a lot of humor.  Some can say so much using few words.  Some sound like boring college professors (sorry, but it's true), some seem determined to scare you into heaven, and some just want to tell you how to live without mentioning the Bible at all.  And some, like our pastor at home, are simply sincere Bible teachers.  They love the Lord and it shows.  They love their wives, their children and their congregation. Their main goal as a pastor is to reach as many as they possibly can for Christ.  This perfectly describes our pastor at home, and we are blessed by him every day.

I enjoy visiting other churches.  I got a big kick out of the preacher at Little City.  But, to my mind, none can compare to our preacher.  We are blessed indeed!

Whatever type of pastor you have, don't forget to pray for him!
He will be better for it, and so will you.

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