Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Family Fireworks!

Okay, don't get all excited. I know that title sounds like maybe there was some fireworks between family members, but it was not so dramatic as that.

I'll start at the beginning.

We left home about a month before the reunion, so we didn't get the itinerary that was sent to us in the mail.  Therefore, we had no idea what to expect.  We just knew to show up at Tim's cousin's place of business on Thursday night with lawn chairs.

I guess Tim knew, but I didn't, that cousin Willie's business was restoring old cars.

Aren't they gorgeous?!!  Some of them even have air conditioning!  
(You know how I love my a/c!)
Too bad I can't afford one, even with the family discount.
If there is a family discount.
No point in asking.

But the cars were just the beginning.  We soon found the reason for bringing lawn chairs.  The city of Bonner Springs had their fireworks show that night, and the parking lot at the dealership gave us the perfect view!  It was almost like our own private event, since it was only family members there.  Fantabulous!

The next night we met again for a mexican food dinner.  It was yummy, but the food wasn't the best part. (I grew up on Tex-Mex, after all!) I loved hearing all the stories that the cousins told on each other.  I've been a part of this family for 45 years, and every time we get together with any of them, I hear a story or two about Tim and his brothers that I hadn't heard before.  This night, I heard several.  In fact, most of the stories told were about Tim's brothers! You'd think, after all the trouble those boys got into, they'd have never gotten invited to any of the reunions.  But everyone loves them to death!  I think they were - and still are - in awe!  I remarked that I didn't hear many stories about Tim this time, and one of the cousins told me he was the "good one".  Well, that's what he keeps telling me, but I don't believe it for a minute!  Lol! 😎

The next day we had BBQ at The National Agricultural Center and Hall of Fame.  After the meal, we toured some of the buildings there.


Kitchen Queen, wood burning cook stove.

A pretty little lake and gazebo.

Oil wagon

The chicken house.

The general store.

The school/church house.

My bff, Rita, would have loved these old school books!
(Why oh Why can't all of our friends travel with us?
Is that really too much to ask?)

After looking through the buildings, it was time for family photos, a few final stories, hugs, promises to meet again in two years, a few more stories, hugs and good-byes, and, eventually, we all went our separate ways.

Tim and his brothers volunteered to host the next reunion.  I'm not at all worried.  We have two years to plan.  What could possibly go wrong?  ðŸ˜•

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