Tuesday, September 12, 2023


I am a Christian

Not just a Christian, a Southern Baptist. I believe in Almighty God, the Creator of everything, including me. I believe in Jesus Christ, Who came to earth as a man and allowed Himself to be crucified in order to pay for my sins. I believe in the Holy Spirit, who dwells in me, guides me, and comforts me.

I can understand why people have doubts. It's a wild story and I've had plenty of doubts myself. But i dont understand how anyone can say without any doubt that there is no God, no heaven, no hell. No one on earth is smart enough to know all that the universe holds.

I believe that we have all sinned. But I believe that most of us are pretty decent folks. I think even the worst monsters have some good in them. And I believe that we are all, every last one of us, so very precious to God. So precious that he suffered a gruesome death so that we could be with Him forever.

I stumbled onto some books of C. S. Lewis when I was very young, and his writings helped a lot in shaping my faith. I think it was Lewis who talked about God being like a refining fire. You might as well ask a fire to cuddle up to an ice cube and expect the ice to remain frozen. He wants us to be with Him, but he is so very Holy, that His Holiness destroys everyone and everything that is not holy. So Jesus, the only human who was totally without sin, covers us with His holiness, so that we can be with God.

Yes. We are sinners. But we are also incredibly valuable.

I have no idea what heaven and hell are like. I don't believe anyone knows. I think that hell is full of regret and torment and sadness.

I don't know much about heaven either, except that God and Jesus are there.  Like the song says, "I can Only Imagine."

But why do we balk at the idea of spending eternity worshipping God? There are many many people here on earth who would sacrifice anything to hang out with their favorite actor or rock star or sports hero. Why don't we want to hang out with the Creator of the Universe? Can you imagine all that He can show us? From colors we've never imagined to worlds unlike anything the most imaginative science fiction writers have ever dreamed.  I've met a few people that I could sit and listen to for hours. How much more fascinating to really learn the heart and mind of God?!!

So that's my confession. I'm humbled by my faults, but I rejoice in the worth and infinite value that God has placed on me.

And He values you in the same way.

At least, that's what I believe. 

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