Thursday, July 4, 2013

Grove, Oklahome - Grand Lake of the Cherokees

 Bear's Den Resort, Grove, OK

It's been a lovely, lazy week so far - my favorite kind.  So here's what we've done:

Sunday - Drove from Branson, Missouri to Grove, Oklahoma.  I hate traveling on Sunday, because we usually miss church when that happens.  But sometimes that's just the way it works out.

        - Bought groceries.

Monday - Did the laundry. (Oh, what an exciting life we lead)

Tuesday - Went to Har-Ber Village Museum (more about that later - lots of photos)

Wednesday - Yummy catfish dinner, geocaching with the Cowboy

Thursday (today) - House cleaning day.  Oh, and Cowboy hurt his back.  No, it wasn't a tricky geocache that did him in, nor a big fish, nor an accident while working on the fifth wheel.  He pulled a muscle while putting on his britches.  At least, we hope it's just a pulled muscle.  He really is hurting.  Not that it's kept him from fishing.

Anyway, we wanted to go to Har-Ber Village last year when we were here, but it was just too dad-blame hot.  So glad we finally got to go.  Acres and acres of log cabins and other buildings crammed full of exhibits, mostly from the 1800's. 

The only bad thing was that most of the exhibits were behind glass, which caused a terrible glare in most of the photos.  Here's a few that didn't turn out too bad.


We are always amazed at the wonderful museums we find in these small towns.  Quite often, we enjoy them more that the big city ones.  This one had more "stuff" than any other museum we've ever seen.  Very interesting exhibits of Oklahoma history.

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