Friday, July 5, 2013

More Har-Ber Village

More Har-Ber Village Antique Museum. We were totally fascinated with this place, and spent about a half day there.  Thought I'd share more pictures, since we've mostly just been hanging around the trailer this week. 
First, I have to tell you that I had a wonderful text message conversation with my youngest (almost 9 years old) grandgirl, Blue Jay, today.  She said she went swimming at a friend's house last night.  Also, she thought it was very funny that couldn't find her phone, and it was right there on the ottoman all the time.  Silly goose!
I love modern technology.  I really don't think we could travel the way we do if we couldn't keep in touch with the kids by phone, text messages, and e-mails.  Blue Jay also sent me a few pics of herself, and insisted I send one of myself to her.  I miss those girls so much.  Along with their Mama, and their Daddy, and their Uncle Tippin. 
And then there's the rest of our family.
And dear friends.
Anyhow, on to the photos.  Before I talk myself into packing it all up and going home!
This is still only a small portion of the photos we took.  There were over 100 buildings and exhibits, crammed full of antiques.
There were several little cabins, furnished as they would have been in the 1800's.
I liked this one.  I have a quilt like this that my great-grandmother made. 
One of the fancier rooms.  Cowboy's mother used to have a piano sort of like this one. 
 Salt shakers.  Rows and rows and rows of saltshakers.  My grandmother used to collect saltshakers.  I thought she had a lot, 'til I saw this collection!

I love this little girl's sewing machine.  

There were a couple of cabins filled with quilts.  This was one of my favorites.
For some reason, Blogger won't let me add any more photos right now.  Guess that means I will have to do one more post about Har-Ber Village later.  And then I have to tell you about driving down a portion of Route 66 today, hunting geocaches.  Oh, a blogger's work is never done!

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