Friday, March 27, 2015

Blue Bell

I know you are all on pins and needles wondering which movie we ended up seeing yesterday...we ended up watching Cinderella.  Because Do You Believe? wasn't showing in Brenham.  Hopefully, it will be showing somewhere near Georgetown next week.  We like to support Christian films, and I've heard this one is really good.

Cinderella was good, too.  Maybe the prettiest movie I've ever seen.  And I love the mother's advice to Ella..."Have Courage, Be Kind."  Didn't Jesus say sort of the same thing?

So, back to Blue Bell.  We took the tour on Tuesday. I  really wasn't expecting to be impressed with a factory tour, but the Blue Bell factory was actually kind of fascinating.  I can't imagine working there, though, even if they gave me all the free ice cream I could carry home.  Reminded me of the I Love Lucy episode where she and Ethyl went to work at the candy factory.  I would never have the dexterity and stamina to keep up!

Of course, the real reason we were there was the "free" scoop of Blue Bell at the end of the tour (which cost $4 for seniors).  Huge scoops of Blue Bell.  There are just a few brands we are loyal to...GM, of course, since Cowboy worked there for most of his life, Crest toothpaste, Coca-Cola (me) and Dr. Pepper (Cowboy), and, most of all, Blue Bell ice cream.  We discovered Blue Bell at a little ice cream shop in Benbrook back in the 70's (I think it was called The Cold Rush), and we've been eating it ever since.

They wouldn't let us take photos inside the factory, but here's a few of the outside.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, Cowboy had Mint Chocolate Chip and I had Crazy Cookie Dough.  It was crazy good!

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