Saturday, March 28, 2015

Round Top, Texas

We had been to Round Top years ago (37 years, actually) with my parents.  Daughter was just a babe in arms.  It was a tiny little town, with several old log cabins you could walk through.  The famous Round Top, held in the spring each year, wasn't so famous then, although it had already been going on for about 10 years.

Fast forward to this year.  The town is still small, just 90 people live there. But. Those sweet little log cabins that told the history of this little Texas community?  They have all been remodeled to house boutique type shops.  The Round Top Antique Show?  The roads to all the surrounding towns were lined with vendors on the day we went - and the show didn't even officially begin for two more weeks.

And get this - some enterprising soul decided what this sleepy little town needs during the Antique Show is male strippers.  Yep.  This year, after a hard day's shopping for antiques, you can go to the little town of Warrenton, just 8 miles away, and relax while being entertained by The American Cowboy Las Vegas Revue, "a Chippendales-like performance featuring muscular men dressed in jeans, boots, cowboy hats and, occasionally, shirts."

On Easter weekend, no less.

Good grief.

We did find a quiet spot to have lunch in nearby Winedale.  I had mistakenly posted this photo on Facebook earlier as our campground.  I've since edited that post with the correct photo.

We stopped at one of the vendors.  As I understand it, at the official Round Top Antique Show, only antiques are allowed.  But vendors outside of town can sell whatever they want.  This was about 5 miles outside of town.  I thought these driftwood sculptures were fascinating.  The vendor told us they were imported from Pakistan.

After leaving Round Top, we drove to Independence.  We found this little church about halfway in between the two towns, at a little place called Gay Hill.  The sign on the front of the church said Friedens United Church.  I have no idea what kind of church that is, though I suspect it's some kind of Church of Christ.  I just thought it was pretty.  Texas is full of little, old churches like this.

I'll post more about what we found in Independence later.  We were so impressed, we're going back there tomorrow.

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