Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lake Georgetown

This is our second day at Canyon Lake.  Yesterday was mostly spent driving here, setting up, then catching up with the world via computer and phone.  Today, we went into the nearest town (I think it is Canyon Springs) and located a church to attend tomorrow, then stopped at General Dollar to pick up a few things. 

I know you're thrilled to hear all about my glamorous life.

So, here's a few pictures from a couple of weeks ago, when we were at Lake Georgetown.  I know.  I'm posting everything out of order.  I just like to confuse you all.

The Lake.  

The day before Easter, we drove into town and walked around the courthouse square.

There was an Easter Egg Hunt on the courthouse lawn.  The kids were getting a little antsy, waiting for it to start.

The older part of Georgetown is lovely.  It was a great way to pass some time while we were waiting for our son to arrive.  We found an art gallery just off the square, where there was a wonderful quilt exhibit.  But, it was another place where I wasn't allowed to take photographs.  Boo.

So, I think that about wraps up our time at Lake Georgetown.  I'm sure we'll have new adventures to report soon.  This area around Canyon Lake and New Braunfels is one of our favorite places.

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