Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Singing His Praises Today

Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name
Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion, 
who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
Psalm 103:1-5

Sometimes when I say that I'm grateful for God's blessings, maybe people think I mean I'm thankful for the material stuff.  Well, I am.  Of course. Not that we have a lot, but I am thankful for what we have.

But mostly, I am thankful, for His Presence in the tough times.  And believe me, there have been plenty of those.  No one's life is ideal. But through the losses, the setbacks, the turmoil, the illnesses...He's always been there for me.  

The only times I haven't felt His love and compassion, were the times I turned my back on Him.  I don't even want to think about those times.  

Like life in general, living in an RV is full of ups and downs.  Some days you get majestic beauty.  Some days you get weeds.  Most days are a combination.  But, wherever we go, we know we are not alone.  He's always there, wherever "there" is.

This is one of those weeks with weeds, but also with flowers. 

We are at Cranes Mill Corps of Engineers Park at Canyon Lake, just outside of New Braunfels.  I love CoE parks in general, and this is a nice quiet park, and not crowded at all.  But, literally, full of weeds.  On the bright side, there are lots of flowers among the weeds - maybe that's why it hasn't been mowed in a while.  And, we are very close to the lake, so Tim can take his little inflatable boat out fishing pretty much every day.

And, Sunday, we found a very nice friendly church right down the road...Cranes Mill Baptist.

Yesterday, we drove about 30 miles to Guadalupe River State Park, which is a truly fantabulous place!  We hiked along the river until I thought my legs would fall off.  It was just too beautiful to leave.

I think I got a few good photos, but as always, my photography just doesn't measure up to what God has done.

Love those roots!

 We talked to some people who were wading in the river.  
They said the temperature of the water was perfect.  
Unfortunately, we didn't bring our wading shoes.

 One of the most beautiful sights in the world is clear water rushing over rocks. 
 It makes my heart sing!

Back at Cranes Mill CoE, I found this weed.  It grows into a horrible ugly thing, about 4 feet tall.  This one was about a foot tall.  This would be a lovely addition to any garden, if it would just stay like this.  I guess my point is, even the weeds in life are a gift, if looked at in the right way, at the right time.

Last night, we went to a concert in New Braunfels.  The Howard Payne University Music Department had come to town and put on a program they called "A Joyful Heart."  It was very entertaining.  It had caught my eye, because my brother, son, and my nieces and nephew all graduated from HPU.  I was interested to learn that HPU is now holding classes in New Braunfels, and are planning to build a campus here.  Pretty exciting stuff.

Well, today is laundry day, so I guess I'd better get after it.  And the Cowboy is wondering what's for lunch.

It's 9:15 a.m.

"Grace to you and peace..."

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