Monday, November 16, 2015

Nacogdoches, Texas

We finally got to do some sightseeing in a town I've wanted to visit for years.  Nacogdoches, in East Texas.  We drove through here once, many years ago.  And a friend and I drove our kids out here once to look at Stephen F. Austin University, but I've never gotten to do the tourist thing here.

Our first stop was the Charles Bright Visitor Center in the middle of historic Downtown Nacogdoches.  Here we watched a 10 minute video on the history of the town, and browsed some interesting exhibits.  They were already decorated for Christmas.  Too soon!  But I did like the Christmas trees...each one represented one of the six different flags that have flown over Texas.  
Not a great picture, too much reflection on the glass.  This made me think of my youngest grandgirl, who loves antique typewriters and telephones.

This statue just outside the visitor center represents the early settlers.

Don Antonio Gil Y'Barbo was the founder of modern day Nacogdoches.

The General Store.  Don't you love brick streets?  *sigh*

This is the second oldest house in Nacogdoches.

The Parlor fireplace.

Close-up of the cross-stitched sampler over the fireplace. 
 "Simply to thy cross I cling."

The bedroom.

Sugar cane mill.  
It still works, and they have an Old Fashioned Sweet Tooth Sugar Cane Event every January, when they actually mill the cane they grow on the property.  Sounds like my kind of party!

 All my life I've wanted to go to East Texas in the Fall to see the beautiful Autumn leaves.  I'm finally here, but Autumn is missing.  It looks like Springtime here!  There are beautiful (green!) plants everywhere (even planted in back alleys by the dumpsters!)  Some of the plants are even blooming.

Sterne-Hoya House.  The oldest house in Nacogdoches, the oldest continually settled town in Texas.

This was probably a salesman's sample, but I bet some little girl ended up with it!

This home was owned by somewhat wealthier families than the first house we saw, and it has been furnished to reflect that.

This photo is especially for you, Willetta!  And yes, I did buy something there!

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