Saturday, March 5, 2016

Day One. Garrison, Texas

The first day of a new road trip is always filled with excitement and a wonderful sense of adventure.

Except when it isn't.

For the first time in ages, maybe ever, I did not want to leave home.

I've always loved the planning stages of a new trip.  But this time, I just wasn't feeling it.

And then.  And then.  This morning.  I was rushing around getting everything in order to leave the house for 6 or 8 weeks.  I even drove to the church to do some last minute chores in the library.  Then, instead of driving to our house, I pulled into the driveway next door to say good-bye to the grandgirls.

And no one was home.  I couldn't believe it.  Tim called the son-in-law.  They were all in town.  Wouldn't be back til 11:00.  Tim didn't want to wait.

I cried.

We left.

I couldn't even talk for the first hour.

We've never left without saying good-bye before.

Ahhh, well.  We chose this traveling life,  guess I can't complain too much.  I am so thankful for these magic devices we carry around at all times that allow us to call, text, send pictures...even see each other while we talk/skype!

We did have a very nice drive.  East Texas is beautiful any time of year, and right now the redbuds are in bloom, and we've seen lots of trees covered with white blooms...pear?  dogwood?... whatever they are, they're lovely.

One thing that always frustrates me a little is all the interesting places we have to pass up when we are pulling the 5th wheel from one place to another.  Today we passed the Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge, NASA Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility, the Texas State Railroad, and, what I could have enjoyed most of all, the Russell Stover Factory and Outlet store!  This is one day I could have really used some chocolate!

Tim doesn't know it yet, but I'm thinking next time we come to East Texas we will stop at Stover's, then camp at the Texas State Railroad RV Park, and ride the train.  Who wants to come with?

Not that I'm complaining about where we ended up today.  Like I said, I just wasn't into planning this trip, so Tim chose the destination and the RV Park, Camp Tonkawa Springs near Garrison, TX (population 895).

Just look:    
These exotic deer are all over the park.  There's a high fence all around the park to keep them in.  
So cool!

There's also a spring fed "swimming hole" somewhere on the property.  It's still a little cool to swim, but I'll be sure to get some photos before we leave.  Today we were too hungry to explore too much, so we drove into Garrison to find some nourishment.  Looks like there's a lot of history there, and we planned to wander around getting photos after we ate, but by then it was getting dark.  I did get a picture of the restaurant, and my dinner.  

It may look like a hole in the wall, but the food was really good!

I was so hungry I forgot to take a picture until I'd had a few bites!  

So, that's pretty much my day.  Started kind of draggy, but, now that my tummy's full, all's right with my world.  And, tomorrow, we are meeting our son for lunch!  So, life is good after all.

But. I still miss my girls.

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